1. Hi! Read them please - twice or trice - and may be tomorrow and.. the day after tomorrow. Aloud! In the most distinctive way - your articulation has to be "too much" - exaggerated! What for? - It has to be easier to speak! Ever after!..
News to repeat:
abundant - scarce
accidental - intentional
accurate - incorrect
antique - modern
authentic - imitation
bald - hairy
drunk - sober
hungry - full
rough - smooth
hit - miss
contract - expend
conquer - fail
condemn - praise
idle - busy
kind - mean
lazy - industrious
This is my personal list - it doesn't mean the words are "unfamiliar" for me - but I personally suspect ... hmm... when I will be in need for them - they will be on some distant errand somewhere on the tongue tip but not on the top... You understand...
— I’ve managed to book the best seats at the theater for us, this weekend!
— Wicked! Thank you. I’m really excited!
The word in bold is a part of SLANG, meaning 'Great!' or 'Cool!'. Do you suspect, by the way, that there are some people and communities that according their profession - occupation - social status - geography etc. are using special words - understandable only for them? They - I mean that kind of words - are our target field of activity today. Here you are - 11 first!
- Unreal
I love this party! It’s just unreal! — Fantastic!
- Props
I know he failed the test, but you’ve got to give him props for trying. — it means - respect, proper recognition.
- Kudos
Kudos for organizing this party! It's brilliant! - means - Respect! Bravo! (kudos - greek word by its origin)
- Bottom line
The bottom line is we just don’t have enough money for this. — Total; result is...(it is like in doing sums - underlining..)
- Diss
Stop dissing her behind her back. Show some respect! — Saying offensive things behind one's back.
- Dig
Hey, I dig your new style. Where did you buy that T-shirt? — it's about to like smth very much, to receive throb or excitement because of smth.
- Bob's your uncle
- How did you make this cake? It’s delicious!
- Well, I just mixed in the batter thoroughly, poured it into a cake pan, baked it for 30 minutes and Bob’s your uncle! - English words for famous French 'Voila!'
- Budge up
I want to sit down too, could you budge up a little, please? — to move over a little...
- Ace
- Ace! I just got a promotion at work! - Genius!Super! Superb mark - A!
Robert aced his physics exam! - Means he did it as a master, perfectly.
- All right?
— All right? (Hi, how are you doing? - Or: How is it going?)
— Good thanks, you all right? (And you?)
He's full of beans - Can you guess the meaning? And - Racy of the soil? And - On the hoof? - he is CHEERFUL! - Isn't it easy-peasy?
- Full of beans
All the children were full of beans at the party.
3. We all are striving to speak like natives. And the lessons of Adam are the most useful for the aim.
Connected speech - Perfect English - here we'll know better about all this rhotic accent and schwa sounds and words liaison.
I like the teacher - and his manner is nearly as good as mine!
4. See a new video with song and lyrics :
Kendrick Lamar SZA - All the Stars
Aren't they beauty? And the sense is shocking. Maybe not only for me...
5. Let's repeat the last song - and this time with a pretty good cartoon for the video transmission:
6. And - our dearest theme; VERBS + PREPS!
Be swift and after that you could be smart - in speech!